1211 E 18th St., PO Box 887, Carroll, Iowa 51401
New Hope

New Hope Recognized with Chamber’s 2021 Heritage Award

April 11, 2022

CARROLL, IOWA (Monday, April 11, 2022) – During the Carroll Chamber of Commerce’s 2022 Banquet, New Hope was awarded the Chamber’s 2021 Heritage Award. New Hope is celebrating 45 years of enriching the lives of individuals with disabilities in 2022.

“This organization values respect and dignity, provides caring support, is one of Carroll’s largest employers, is a valued business partner and has been an icon in the Carroll community for many years,” described K’Lynn Ludwig, of Availa Bank, as she anonymously introduced New Hope as the 2021 Heritage Award recipient.

“To give some better insight,” she continued, “this business enables purpose and self-fulfillment, operates 24/7, 365 days a year, has provided an enhanced quality of life for 571 individuals served to date, and has a clear mission that remains it’s guiding light every day… to enrich the quality of life for individuals with disabilities.”

Several members of New Hope’s management team were on hand to receive the award, as well as several individuals New Hope serves and supports, including Mark Burrow, the very first individual to move into New Hope’s residential services program when New Hope opened in 1977. Several of the very first individuals to receive services from New Hope in 1977 were on hand for the award, including Mark Mass and Patty Rutten.

Also in attendance was Jodie Jansen, one of four employees who started with New Hope in 1977 and who will be celebrating 45 years of service with the organization this year. She attended with her brother, David, who receives services through New Hope.

Reflecting on the distinction of the award, New Hope Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Steven Kopecky talked about the great day – and moment – for New Hope, and the overwhelming faith that has brought New Hope to this moment.

“New Hope was created over 45 years ago in faith. Faith by community leaders that this was the right thing to. Faith in a way to give people with a disability a home and way to be a vital part of the community. Faith that support from our community would endure for decades and beyond so future generations could rely on New Hope. Staff who have literally committed their lives to the service of others. In some cases, generations of families who’ve all worked at New Hope because of their faith in the mission,” explains Kopecky.

“That faith sustains us now as we face new challenges – COVID, workforce shortages – that are certainly daunting. 45 years ago, a group of citizens looked at a parcel of Iowa farmland and saw a future for their loved ones. Now we look from that same piece of ground and ask what more can we do to further the mission of New Hope? I have faith in every one of our staff who contribute the best of themselves daily. I have faith in the community that has supported us these past decades. We are humbled and grateful for the Carroll Chamber of Commerce’s Heritage Business Award. New Hope is built on rock solid faith, and the community can have faith in us that we’ll be here for the next 45 years to continue our mission,” he continued.

New Hope has plans for a weeklong 45 year anniversary celebration later this year.

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