1211 E 18th St., PO Box 887, Carroll, Iowa 51401

Your Support Makes a Difference

In a world filled with complexities, shortages, requirements and more, the New Hope Foundation plays a big role in the services and “extras” New Hope provides. The Foundation bridges the gap between what funding provides, and what our organization provides to those we serve.

As a nonprofit, New Hope relies on generous, compassionate people to support our mission of enriching the lives of individuals with disabilities. Discover multiple opportunities to give to New Hope, in ways that align with your wishes.

New Hope is a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization, so your monetary gift may qualify for tax deductions.

Memorial Gifts

Donors may choose to honor the life or memory of a loved one or friend by making a memorial donation to New Hope in their name. When making a memorial donation, please include the name of the person you’re wishing to remember, as well as a family contact and address for the designee. New Hope will notify the family that a donation has been made in memory of their loved one, only sharing the donors name and address (no donation amounts will be announced).

Your honoree’s family or spouse will receive notification of your thoughtful gift within 2-3 weeks of your donation.

Annual Fund

New Hope’s Annual Fund supports recurring needs such as adaptive equipment, equipment upgrades, vocational supplies and programming, and capital expenditures.

Building and Equipment Fund

The Building and Equipment Fund addresses brick and mortar needs at New Hope, both on-campus and at off-site New Hope properties. This fund assists with new building projects, renovations, repair and replacement of equipment, grounds improvement and other structural projects.

Endowment Fund

This Fund was developed to provide a supplemental source of income to assist in paying recurring and special needs. The Endowment Fund provides the donor an opportunity to make a gift that will keep on giving and help New Hope save for the future.

Monetary gifts received from planned gifts such as bequests, life insurance, retirement funds and memorials are 100% directed to the Endowment Fund unless otherwise designated.

Client Special Needs Fund

The Special Needs Fund was established to assist those in New Hope’s care with personal expenses when no other funds are available.

Frank H. Hermsen Staff Development Fund

The Staff Development Fund assists New Hope employees with educational and training expenses to enhance their skills, knowledge and abilities enabling them to better serve New Hope and those we care for. Educational opportunities may include traditional classes and courses, industry specific training, specialized regional or national in-services or other training sessions as deemed appropriate by New Hope’s training department.

Issues such as funding sources and technology are constantly changing in our field, and there is a crucial need for New Hope staff to receive the necessary specialized training in these areas. This fund allows a greater number of New Hope’s current and future leaders the opportunity to advance their knowledge, skills and abilities.

How can you make a difference today?

  • Monthly pledges make a yearlong difference. By setting up monthly, automatic gifts to New Hope, your gift is received automatically and you don’t have to worry about sending checks. Your automatic gift ensures your exponential support of our mission throughout the year. Monthly pledges can be set-up through PayPal or by completing the form below and returning it to the New Hope Foundation office.
  • Support New Hope with an online donation. Your assistance can be given right from our website, via PayPal or Venmo. Please select one of the links above/below to give electronically.
  • Make a one time investment in New Hope’s future. Make a one-time contribution by mailing or dropping off a contribution to our office and help us continue to fulfill our mission for those we serve and their families. 

Donors may choose to provide gifts by PayPal, Venmo, by mailing a check or in-person. Below, donors will find links to New Hope’s PayPal and Venmo accounts. 

​If you prefer to mail in your donation, please make your check payable to New Hope Foundation and mail it to New Hope, Attention Development Department, PO Box 887, Carroll, Iowa 51401-0887. Donations may also be dropped off in-person at New Hope’s administration office, 1211 E 18th Street, Carroll, Iowa. The administration office is located half-way around the circle drive on the main campus. 

​To set-up monthly, reoccurring donations, or for more information on planned giving, legacy giving, gifting real estate or gifting stocks, bonds and mutual funds, contact the New Hope Development Department at (712) 792-5500. Our giving professionals will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your support of New Hope’s mission to enrich the lives of individuals with disabilities. 

How You Can Help


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