1211 E 18th St., PO Box 887, Carroll, Iowa 51401

Families Update from the Leadership Council

September 7, 2023

New Hope Families,

On Saturday, September 16, we look forward to hosting a Family Association Meeting. As we have said from the beginning, our goal is to continue to provide open, two-way communication throughout the term of the Leadership Council. This upcoming meeting is just one example of how we can continue our conversations with you, so thank you to those who have already RSVP’d to attend. For those still wanting to RSVP, you may do so by contacting Angie Owen, Director of Development and Family Liaison, at [email protected], or by phone at (712) 794-0917.

The Leadership Council has presented a 90-day, operational plan to the board of directors and its employee team. This plan is designed to assist New Hope in continuing to move forward until a new CEO is welcomed aboard. The operational plan touches on the five core values members of the Council have focused on since day one: mission, workforce, services, quality and foundation. Within each of these values, the operational plan highlights initiatives that support the individual values, while simultaneously pushing New Hope forward. Here is a brief synopsis of the 90-day operational plan, and how each item corresponds with the five core values:


  • Continue moving forward with further development of the east hallway within the Activity Building for expansion and growth of the ACTS (Activities, Communication, Therapies and Support) program for individuals within the on-campus residential program
  • Develop a fiscally responsible budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024, allowing New Hope to continue its mission while being good stewards of New Hope resources
  • Continue communication efforts with employees, families, donors, volunteers and community efforts through the established communications plan
  • Provide support to the Board of Directors as they work to identify and hire a new CEO for New Hope


  • Continue to work towards implementation of Workforce 101, which will enable New Hope to maximize its residential workforce and create a better work-life balance for all employees
  • Continue to implement new features of UKG to streamline and create efficiencies for employees and our human resources department
  • Focus on recruitment of DSPs and CNAs for New Hope’s on-campus and community residential programs
  • Concentrate on improved employee retention, to ensure New Hope does a better job of recognizing and celebrating one of our most valuable assets – our employees


  • Provide each service area with the tools they need to fulfill their mission
  • Put together a taskforce of employees to develop ideas to build upon the current ACTS program to ensure New Hope provides a well-rounded program for adults within the on-campus program
  • Continue to expand centers at Connections to allow more people to take advantage of this community integration program
  • Continue to provide support for employment first opportunities through the Employment Resources program
  • Remain committed to planning continual, thoughtful and enjoyable events for those we serve, such as dances, bingo events, community outings and more
  • Maintain quality and competitive Bargain Shoppes, for the benefit of New Hope services and the financial support the programs our organization offers


  • Ensure New Hope remains in good standing with the rules and regulations established by those who license, fund and accredit New Hope’s programs
  • Prepare for New Hope’s next CARF survey, to be conducted in 2024


  • Work with the Family Association as they develop to increase family participation and partner with New Hope to support and further the agency’s mission
  • Work to increase participation in New Hope’s Legacy Society
  • Explore new fundraising initiatives to support New Hope’s mission

As you can see, the Leadership Council has developed a comprehensive and robust operational plan with New Hope’s mission and core values in-mind. These are not goals which can be accomplished by a small group, a Council or even one single department. These are goals which will need the support and efforts of everyone.

We look forward to discussing these items, and more, at the Saturday, September 16, Family Association meeting. At that time, you will also have an opportunity to meet many of our Leadership Council in person. In the meantime, we do appreciate the comments, feedback and questions the Leadership Council has received thus far, and we look forward to continuing to hear from you moving forward. Please do not hesitate to reach out to any member of the Council at any time. We are here for you!


LeAn Taylor, Chief Program Officer

Kim Platt, Chief of Community Operations

Lacie Tedrow, Director of Quality Assurance & Staff Training

Danielle Fineran, Director of Finance

Angie Owen, Director of Development

Sarah Foley, Director of Marketing and Retail Operations

Kandi Quandt, Director of Employee Success

Shanon Lux, Associate Human Resources Director

Rhonda Feldman, Executive Assistant

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